We, the Ward 4 Faith Leaders, have committed to holding a vigil for every person who is a victim of homicide in Ward 4 this year, 2024. During these Peace Vigils, neighbors ae given the opportunity to gather to honor the life lost, without regard to faith tradition. “Neighbors” includes family and friends of the deceased, residents of DC, first response workers, community and District leaders, anyone who would like to be part a sacred moment, honoring the loss of a member of our communities. Vigils are typically organized as soon as possible after we learn of an incident somewhere in the ward and last about a half hour and include time for prayers, reflections, candle lighting, and end in a call-and-response litany.
If you would like to be one of the faith leaders who helps organize these Peace Vigils or just would like further information about our events, please reach out to us, the Ward 4 Faith Leaders, for more information at info@ward4Faithleaders.com.