Ward 4 Faith Leaders Against Gun Violence

The Ward 4 Faith Leaders Against Gun Violence is a group of Ward 4 clergy and laypersons formed late last year to bring a spiritual dynamic to the efforts to stem the tide of gun violence and restore peace in our community. The group is ecumenical in character comprised of Baptist, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist, and United Church of Christ Congregations, among others. Guided by the spirit of God and under the leadership of Reverend Patricia Fears, Senior Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, and Reverend Scott Bostic, Pastor of Simpson-Hamline, the group meets weekly to pray, discern, discuss, and plan religious-based solutions to the scourge of gun violence and to find ways to work with government officials and agencies, both public and private to restore harmony in our community. To date, the Ward 4 Faith Leaders have held a three-day prayer vigil, four prayer walks around schools and up and down major thoroughfares.  Currently, the Ward 4 Faith Leaders hold Peace Vigils for the victims of gun violence and are sponsoring a Peace Camp in August this Summer.   We also hold breakfast meetings to discuss spiritual strategies to end this surge. The Faith Leaders invite all clergy and community organizations who wish a return to peace in Ward 4 to join them in their efforts. If you would like more information about our work or to join us, just complete the form on our Join Us Page or email us at info@ward4faithleaders.com.